Monday, February 26, 2007

Litbrit Has Moved!

Exactly one year ago, I settled into this little corner of the blogosphere and named the blog after a character in one of my favorite poems, My Last Duchess by Robert Browning. Since then, I've written about almost everything but poetry (which is not to say I won't be writing about poetry in the future), and in the interests of representing myself more accurately as well as streamlining and simplifying one of the few things in my life that actually can be streamlined and simplified, I've decided to change my blog's title--The Last Duchess--to the nickname, litbrit, by which I am far better known. The blog's address (URL) is simplified, too. Please update your links and come and say hello--it's always great to hear from old friends, and it's a pleasure to make the acquaintance of new ones.



Michael Hussey said...

Now I have to update the blogroll again. Heh.

Deborah Newell said...

Sorry Michael! I literally just did this five minutes ago. I was about to email everyone.